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De 8 boeken die je volgens Jeff Bezos gelezen moet hebben

Misschien kende je sommige titels al, maar deze 8 managementboeken móet je gelezen hebben, vindt Amazon-baas Jeff Bezos.

Hij verkoopt ze met miljoenen per jaar, maar Amazon-baas Jeff Bezos leest de boeken die in zijn webwinkel verkrijgbaar zijn ook echt. Ter gelegenheid van het 20-jarig bestaan van Amazon maakte een lijst van de 8 businessboeken die Bezos aanbeveelt. Hij vat ze in zijn eigen woorden samen en hij geeft zijn oordeel.

Opvallend aan de lijst is dat die voornamelijk managementklassiekers bevat. Verrassende keuzes zien we niet echt:

#1. Jim Collins

Good to Great. Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don't

Samenvatting: In his first book, Built to Last, Jim Collins proved that long-lasting companies have “successful DNA.” In this, his third book, Collins provides a recipe for companies that lack “successful DNA.”

Waarom vindt Bezos dit zo goed? ‘The publication of this book is a perfect example of the No. 1 rule of management consulting, which is that no business theory is complete until it’s been monetized.’

#2. Mark Jeffery

Data Driven Marketing. The 15 Metrics Everyone in Marketing Should Know

Samenvatting: This book announces itself as "a clear and convincing guide to using a more rigorous, data-driven strategic approach to deliver significant performance gains from your marketing."

Waarom vindt Bezos dit zo goed? ‘The summary above sometimes is interpreted to mean "we’re going to measure ourselves 15 different ways so that no matter what happens, at least one metric will justify an increase in the marketing budget.’

#3. James P. Womack en Daniel T. Jones

Lean Thinking. Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation

Samenvatting: This book examines the problem of unnecessary spending throughout the corporation and how to turn it into the generation of new revenue.

Waarom vindt Bezos dit zo goed? ‘This book’s prescription for success appears to be the exact recipe that The Innovator’s Dilemma (see below) says will put you out of business.’

#4. Alan C. Greenberg

Memos from the chairman

Samenvatting: A collection of common sense wisdom expressed in the form of sometimes hilariously wry memos but always succinct interoffice memos.

Waarom vindt Bezos dit zo goed? ‘Apparently Bear Stearns was a fairly nice place to work before the Glass Steagall Act was repealed.’


#5. Sam Walton with John Huey

Sam Walton. Made in America

Samenvatting: The memoir (as Amazon puts it) of a “genuine American folk hero cut from the homespun cloth of America’s heartland.”

Waarom vindt Bezos dit zo goed? ‘As a read this book, it seemed to me that Walton was pretty self-absorbed. Homespun, yes, but without a shred of noblesse oblige, a lack he seems to have passed down to his heirs.’

#6. Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Black Swan. The Impact of the Highly Improbable

Samenvatting: A “black swan is an event, positive or negative, that is deemed improbable yet causes massive consequences.” The author sees such events as pivotal in history and therefore require more attention and forethought.

Waarom vindt Bezos dit zo goed? ‘I couldn't help thinking that the gist of the book is that unexpected things happen when we don’t expect them.’

#7. Clayton M. Christensen.

The Innovators Dilemma. The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business

Samenvatting: As Amazon blithely puts it, this book is “based on a truly radical idea — that great companies can fail precisely because they do everything right.”

Waarom vindt Bezos dit zo goed? ‘If the premise of this book is correct, wouldn't the opposite be true as well — that crappy companies can succeed precisely because they do everything wrong?’

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#8. Fredrick P. Brooks Jr.

The Mythical Man-Month

Samenvatting: The classic text on how to manage complex software projects and, by extension, any other large and complicated business effort.
Waarom vindt Bezos dit zo goed? ‘The book’s key revelation — that adding people to a late project delays the project further — is a timeless business truth that is invariably honored in the breach than in the observance.’

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