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Robert Cialdini – Science and Practice of Persuasion

How do you get people to say ‘Yes’ to your plan? To agree with your idea? Or move in your direction? The science of influence can help you become a skilled persuader!

Dr. Robert Cialdini is the world’s number one expert in the rapidly expanding field of influence and persuasion. He is the most cited social psychologist in the world in this field of expertise. His book ‘Influence’ sold over four million copies worldwide.

This year, dr. Cialdini will publish a fully revised and updated edition of Influence, including the newest applications of his six universal principles. In this session, dr. Cialdini will share his best and newest insights with you.

This is your chance to learn from the world’s number one authority in Influence. Don’t miss it!


15:00 | Part 1: Influence: the six principles updated

In the 35 years after ‘Influence’ was published, the world has changed rapidly. How do the Six Principles work in 2020? In online and interpersonal communication? In this opening keynote, dr. Cialdini will share his best and latest findings with you. Influence-update!

Opening keynote by Robert Cialdini

15:30 | Part 2: Test your Influence Quotient

The influence process is characterized by ‘small big’s’: small changes can make a big impact. This is a very refined and intelligent process. In this interactive quiz, you will test your self knowledge on the influence process. And discover how subtle and refined it can be.

Interactive quiz with moderator and Robert Cialdini

16:15 | Break

16:45 | Part 3: Top 3 cases 

A moderated group dialogue, based on 3 influence cases:

  • How do I persuade ‘The Board’?
  • I need help from a colleague: where do I start?
  • How do I persuade frustrated or emotional people?

Group dialogue, followed by remarks by Robert Cialdini

17:30 | Part 4: Ask Cialdini!

Your chance to submit your influence questions and cases to Robert Cialdini. Everything you always wanted to ask about influence and persuasion. This is your chance!

Moderated Q&A with Robert Cialdini

18:00 | End of session


Datum Tijd Inhoud
12 Nov. 20 0:00

