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Best Business VIP English Deep Dive

You have something you’d really like to do better in English…

Maybe you’d like to prepare for a pitch, presentation, or TED talk that you’ve been asked to do. Perhaps you are not sure if your annual report or onboarding material strikes the right tone. Is your slide deck clear and effective? Maybe you need to go to a conference or event and want to feel confident representing your company. Perhaps you have to give a speech at a new office you’re opening in another country. You’re not sure if your English writing skills are professional or formal (or cool!) enough. You’d like to know if you are using grammar correctly, as you sometimes doubt what is the best form to use, and this makes you nervous and insecure. You’re a bit embarrassed about your English pronunciation – your accent sometimes gets in the way.

Getting an expert, outside opinion and working privately and intensely in a 5-hour session is an extremely effective way to reach your personal learning goals in English!

You are through to the next round in an international job interview. You need to interview someone, and want to sound natural and confident by enhancing your media skills. All of these goals are actual goals from Buffi’s Deep Dive clients. After Deep Diving with Buffi, Judith got the international job she was hoping for, Jeroen aced his interview with his new French boss and got more responsibility at work, Sikko opened a new office in South Africa, Jan-Willem got over his fear of English, Jolanda gave her first presentation in English, and more…

100% focus on your English

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to turn off your phone, work in an inspiring setting, and have 100% focus only on you and your goals in English?

  • To be honest about what’s holding you back with a personal, enthusiastic coach with over 25 years of experience?
  • To get detailed notes from the session about your strengths and weaknesses and know exactly what to do to take the next step?
  • To go home at the end of a full, intense day (which always flies by!) or series of days, and realize how far you’ve come?


Your VIP Deep Dive will focus only on your specific goals in English. If you are not sure what to work on, or can’t decide, your coach is happy to think along with you. In the morning session, you work together on analyzing and refining your goals, and developing the communication strategies needed for that.

Your coach Buffi takes detailed notes throughout the day on how to help you, adding alternative vocabulary choices where needed so that you have a variety of phrases to use for the English situations you find yourself in. Buffi also makes a ‘danger zone’ list of mistakes you’d like to eliminate, for future reference. You then take a walk outside to clear our heads (yours will be full of English words!) and you will be treated to a lovely lunch anywhere you like (hello, Paris!).

In the afternoon you have a summary and a recap before going further in taking your communication skills to the next level. You end the session with you activating your notes so that you know exactly what you covered and what the next step should be.


Your coach comes to your office or studio, or rents an inspiring coaching room near you or in another city. She also takes you out for lunch at the place of your choosing.

Group Size: 2. You and me.

Time: A VIP Deep Dive is from 10.30-15.30, with a lunch break in between. It is possible to start later or earlier if mutually agreed. Weekends are occasionally possible.


Every Diver receives a free copy of Work It, my e-book, and tailor-made worksheets when applicable. My other books, online courses or masterclasses might be offered (at a discount!) in combination with your VIP Deep Dive if we feel they are appropriate to help you meet your training goals. This will be determined in our call after you have filled in your intake form.


A VIP Deep Dive Day starts at 1.500 euro, incl 2 coaching calls (intake call en
follow up call), ex VAT and travel costs. The final fee will be determined after your intake and determining which Deep Dive Package will work best for you. Lunch and materials are included. Please be advised that there is usually a waiting list of approximately 6 weeks.

How it works:

After sending you the intake form we follow up with a phone call to further discuss your needs and goals in English. I then recommend either a VIP Deep Dive Day or Deep Dive Package (and optional supplemental courses, masterclasses or books) to help you accomplish your goals. Then we set a date and start diving!


Datum Tijd Inhoud
12 Nov. 20 0:00

